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Help with research; search strategies; finding books, articles, reports on a topic; finding KAIPTC theses; citations & Zotero; library accounts and access.

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Quick Search Tips

  • First, be as specific as possible​
    Broaden your keywords if you don't get enough relevant results.
  • For exact phrases
    Use "quotation marks"
  • For acronyms or synonyms
    Use OR
  • For stemming or word variations
    Use an asterisk (*)  (Symbol may vary by database.)
    nav*  Finds navy, naval, navigation
    defen*e  Finds defense and defence
  • Limit your search with Advanced Search filters
    Examples:  Title only or Citation and Abstract, Date, Source, Subject Area, Location

Learn more about phrase, truncating, and wildcard searching. Includes cheat sheet for a variety of library research databases.

Need tech help?

Tech help Library Tech Help

Assistance is available for printing, accessing wifi, remote login, software installation on library computers, and setting up a new machine.

Remote Access. How and when do I need to login?

If you're off campus, choose the method of access that works for you:


  • Simply  login with KAIPTC credentials

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